A Strange Dream About Time and a Temple

A Strange Dream About Time and a Temple
I had this really weird dream last night. I was in this town that was incredibly bright - like unnaturally bright. It felt like it was closer to the sun than any normal place should be, and there wasn't a single cloud in the sky.
I came across this group of people who were all spread out, kind of like when someone loses something and everyone's helping to look for it. When I tried asking one of them what they were doing, they just ignored me completely. Didn't even look my way.
Near this group, there was this big stone structure that caught my eye. It looked kind of like a temple, so I decided to check it out. When I walked through the archway, I saw something really strange - there were three massive images inside. They weren't just regular pictures though. Each one felt like it had an actual chunk of time trapped inside it, like someone had taken a slice of history and sealed it away.
I went up to one of them and somehow knew there was this book I'd been searching for connected to it. The time period it showed was from thousands of years ago. It was weird because I could kind of understand what I was looking at, but not enough to really get what that frozen piece of time was trying to show me. I didn't even try looking at the other two images.
The last thing I remember is taking a sword from the third image, even though I hadn't really looked at it. That's where the dream ends - just me standing there in the temple with this sword. I never left the temple, at least not in the dream.
The whole thing had this really strange feeling to it, like I'd stumbled into some ancient mystery but could only understand pieces of it. It was one of those dreams that feels important somehow, even if you can't figure out exactly why.
#TimeAndATemple #DreamJournal #AncientTemple #TimelessMystery